Message of the Chairman

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I welcome you to the website of the Department of Civil Engineering. We are constantly striving to improve our educational and research programs.

Our curriculum focuses on analysis and creative thinking and our educational programs are aligned with the needs of the industry in the 21st century. Our curriculum also strikes a balance between fundamental science, engineering science and design and further integrates the use of information technology.

Our graduates play a vital role in all development plans of the country and hold key positions in all governmental and private sectors. They are involved in different engineering projects that include different engineering disciplines such as, structural analysis and design, site construction, design and planning of transportation systems, design and managing water resource systems, environmental engineering, project management and geotechnical engineering.

In spite of limit resources, the department of Civil Engineering has promoted quality education with determination and strength. By the grace of Almighty, we have succeeded in building traditions of discipline, hard work and determination on quality and excellence. Our students have been upholding the norms of meaningful acquisition of knowledge and unprejudiced endeavor to excel.


Dr. Abdul Qudoos

+92 (848) 550273

Social Info

Message of Chairman